Sunday, October 11, 2009

Windows 7 Slower than Vista

This is a great article because for the first time I’m reading something negative about Windows 7. The only problem… I find it hyper critical of Windows 7 with little passing the common sense test . First they are comparing boot times based on when the CPU load percentage is "fully usable, with a low load on the processor”. Many underlying variables exists for this to true comparison on a new computer that they just pull out of the box with an OEM image(s). For example the indexing service, antivirus, other “stock” services all play factors on the CPU load and do these things work the same under Windows 7 v. Vista? Windows 7 does not start the same group of applications as Vista and each manufacture can tweak what they choose to load. Additional, how do they say what is usable CPU load percentage under Windows 7 this may or may not be the same percentage under Vista. The other claim is that after more applications are installed and over time the slower it take to boot and get to the low CPU load time, that fails under the no kidding column… I look forward to digging into the “more details” that are to follow on Monday. They may be drinking the John C. Dvorak cranky cool-aid over at PC World.

Posted via email from Rick Stouder's posterous

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